Saturday, 23 March 2013

Banners Broker Packages

Banners Broker Packages

To start your business with Banners Broker you need to purchase a package. This will be the main decision you make, ensure you start on the package that is right for you. We will educate you on how Banners Broker make money and more importantly, how you make money. This site is specifically designed by, a team, that have all made money using the system. Some of us jumped straight in without having all the information that is available on this website, we have some regrets, we wish we knew more at the outset, we wish we took a longer term view of the possibilities of building a business with Banners Brokers, if we were making that decision now, we would purchase the Ultimate package. Now that we have created this website for you, you can make a more informed decision.
To make that decision, firstly consider how much revenue you want to make from your business, secondly, how much can you afford, remember the most revenue comes from the black package as indicated in the tables below.

The Professional package should be your entry point, if you can afford more, then, purchase the Enterprise Package or Ultimate Package, however that decision is up to you. You don’t need to make any decisions yet, go through all the information on this site first, and register as an affiliate here (will open in a new window). It’s free to register, you don’t give bank or credit card details to register. By registering you get access to more information and training that will help you make this decision. The decision on which package to purchase is a very important one, you can only purchase one package, you do have a limited period of time to upgrade your package, currently three weeks for packages up to red and 45 days to upgrade to Black. Most people start off on a lower package first, just to test the waters, our approach is to teach you everything first, that way you are in control and you can make an informed decision for your future with Banners Broker.
When you purchase a package with Banners Broker you are essentially renting advertising space on publishers sites for which you earn revenue (the great think here is that Banners Broker do all that work for you). Your revenue starts from day two of your purchase (this is how long it takes to get advertisements out to sites).  Each package contains panels (adverting spaces), shown in the table below. Panels are indicated by colour, starting with Yellow ($10), Purple ($30), Blue ($90), Green ($270), Red ($810) and Black ($2430). Each panel is advertising space, the higher the panel, the higher the revenue you earn (more detail on panels will be provided in the next section Panels)

You also get a certain number of add impressions for you to advertise your own website, the number of impressions you get are also listed in the table below. How you use these impressions will be discussed later in the campaigns section of this website.

Remember, you can only purchase one package. To purchase a package you must first have loaded your eWallet, this will be discussed later in the eWallet section.
For now, lets assume that you purchased a black package (the one that henerates the greater revenue). Things you must do next:
You must redeem that package. To do this, go to Manage Inventory and View Packages. Select Redeem (this releases the inventory that you purchased)
You must then go into each panel and get your impressions. This will be discussed later in greater detail under Panels.
Once you have done this, your panels start generating revenue.

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